Monday, November 10, 2008

Class and homework w/o 11/10/08

Monday: PLATO Lab
Homework: Using only the academic search engines provided by TW's library, locate and print 10 academic articles on a career that you are interested in pursuing after college. Bring these to class on Wednesday. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Tuesday: No School--Study for Poe Quest and make sure you have your academic articles printed for class on Wednesday. No exceptions.

Wednesday: Poe Quest/APA notes
Homework: Literary Criticism Article on "THe Pit and the Pendulum": read, create annotated bibliography according to APA formatting. Annotation should be at least 350 words. It must sum up the major points of the article, the flaws of the article (without slandering the hard work of the author) and what you would add to the literary discussion. In other words, what's missing from the article that you could add (TRUST ME...THERE'S ALWAYS SOMETHING MISSING :-))

Thursday: APA Bibliography quiz--Work Keys--Detail overhead
Homework: Lit crit analysis#2


Sidney Bridges said...

now i don't see a homework post for friday. that means we get none right?

mbrown8625 said...

nah! I just didn't get a chance to post and i think that i'll have to revise. But I'm pretty sure you'll have homework :-)

Michael Mullen said...

what's the smiley for? that doesnt make me happy.

randa.panda said... neither.

stephanie said...

Mrs. Brown please check your email and write back! Thanks

Sidney Bridges said...

why do u have to ruin my happiness of no homework friday? do u find joy in this? ._.

Britney said...

ms. brown can you post the instructions for friday's homework? i don't remember what is supposed to be in our 150 word thingy

Anonymous said...

Mrs. brown im trying to do the 350 word report each citation but i need what needs to be put in the assignment. what is the information for us to actually write the annotated bibliography on.