Sunday, September 14, 2008

One quick announcement

Hello all,

  • We are now entering the more challenging phase of our class. I now know what outstanding, capable writers you are; therefore, beginning with your Ann Bradstreet posts, I will grade you on both completion (on time, two full pages) and content. In other words, how well are you creating an argument (thesis/theme)? Keep in mind that everything you read will present more than one argument, more than one point or purpose for writing. Your job is to discover what that is, in the same way you would a short story (for example) and prove it. Don't just give me block quotes and explain them. That's a fantastic start, but not enough. Go back to the quote again, think about the diction and the details (for example), or how the writer achieves his/her/its purpose. Don't worry, we will incorporate more exercises into our bell ringers for practice.
  • You will also do several things independently. You will receive your first multi-draft paper assignment this week (will focus on the narrative essay...think fiction writing with a rhetorical twist). Keep in mind that you will not receive the 'big' grade until your final draft. You will also begin reading The Scarlet Letter independently. Be ready for unannounced reading check quizzes along with your nightly response entries. Also be ready to officially engage with your fellow classmates.
  • In class, we will cover parts of The Scarlet Letter, peer editing of your narrative essays, non-fiction readings that will move us for the age of Puritanism (which we are in) to the 1800s: Romanticism and Transcendentalism. The Scarlet Letter will help guide our journey through these periods, as it was written in 1850, but takes place in the late 17th century. We will also visit the PLATO lab, which will help guide our AP/PSAE prep.

I know this sounds overwhelming. However, please keep in mind that I am giving you an overview of the next six weeks. We have time and we have each other for support and help. Please continue to ask questions here, in class, and during CP. :-)


ehayesluvyomama said...

is it to late to go to regular english 3

Britney said...

lol eric.. I love how AP teachers have perfect timing to start assigning big stuff on the busiest weeks

Khadija Allen said...

MS BROWN IS CRAZY..BLAH BLAH BLAH...LOL WHY NOW ...ITS KINDA LATE YOU KNOW MS BROWN HOW ABOUT WE CUT YOU A DEAL. and yea is it late for regular eng 3..i know right brit homecoming week is coming and all these club meetings

mbrown8625 said...

I can't speak for anybody else, but I didn't do it on purpose. Yes it's too late to go to English 3. Plus, you all are brilliant. Stop doubting yourselves. :-)

Sidney Bridges said...

i agree w/ khadija. can't we work somethin out? even for 6 weeks that still sounds like a lot of work. now all this homework really is gonna keep me up all night. T_T

Britney said...

Ms. Brown, I'm in need of poems and stuff for the schol paper.. I'm supposed to send it to the printer friday and a lot of people didn't turn stuff in.. could you maybe make an announcement during class tomorrow for ppl to email poems or anything they'd like in the paper to me at