Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Agenda for the week of 9/29/08

Here's what we're doing this week (I do apologize for not posting the homework for the weekend...)
  • Monday: PLATO Lab
  • Tuesday: 1)Vocab Quiz (make sure you know definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. I told you this...hope you remember) 2)"Desiree's Baby" reading quiz 3) Homework: Scarlet Letter chapters 10-13 and your dialectic journal.
  • Wednesday: Thomas Jefferson Timed Writing...This is an AP Style Prompt. Use your time in class wisely. You cannot take the essay home. :-) 2) Homework: SL chapters 14-15 and the d.j.
  • Thursday: Structure of Sentences/Parts of Speech Review 2) Homework: "Jabberocky" activity and the structure of sentences handout.
  • Friday: Romanticism mini-lecture...Narrative Essay assignment: Imitate the writing style of Nathaniel Hawthorn. 2) Homework: Draft 1 of essay and chapter 16 of SL


Britney said...

Ms. Brown, did I get credit for the Cabeza de Vaca picture? I just wanted to be sure because you didn't put a grade for it on my blog.

Sidney Bridges said...

I didnt get one for that either and I still hav no comments on my blog besides the old ones

nomoreuselessrowingcuzi'mknowingwherei'mgoing said...

i was wondering can we just finish the book and turn the d.j.'s in monday cuz that would be so much more organized for everyone i think. more college like too i think...maybe....yeah.