Friday, October 3, 2008

Narrative Essay Assignment-Multidraft Paper 1

*For help with Narrative Essays (activities to stretch your rhetorical muscles):

Page length: 3pgs MLA Format (Times New Roman, Size 12 Font, Double Space (to make sure you've done so, simply press cntrl 2 before you start typing), 1in margins on all sides)
Assignment: Choose one personal event in your life that has changed you, something that has made you rethink old habits, beliefs, activities. Maybe you’ve changed for the better, maybe you’ve changed for the worse. The point is that you have changed. You have grown. This is what you will write you narrative about. REMEMBER THAT A NARRATIVE IS AN ESSAY THAT TELLS A STORY. So, tell me your story. There is one catch: your story must be written in the style of Nathaniel Hawthorn. Therefore you must consider the following:
1. Sentence length
2. Sentence structure/type
3. Diction/word choice
4. Figurative language (Hawthorn uses several kinds throughout each page of SL) You should have at least 10 examples of figurative language in your essay.
5. Vivid imagery
Please remember that you will complete peer editing. Do not tell a story that you do not want others to know about. Also keep in mind all elements of the rhetorical triangle!!!!
You will be graded according to the essay rubric that I gave you at the beginning of the year. Look at that and make sure you cover all the bases!

First draft due for peer editing on Monday, 10/6/08. BRING IT TO CLASS TYPED. DO NOT POST TO BLOGGER!!! We will read each others drafts via peer editing

1 comment:

English Nerd;P said...

when i first read the directions i was like ohhh piece of cake and then i saw "in Hawthorne's style" then i was like dang it!!! lol
i hope i do ok!!!